République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Cancer

Actions in line with the European Mission on Cancer objectives



The Aviesan ITMO Cancer actions were in good part in line with the Mission’s Implementation Plan, namely for actions regarding several objectives of the Mission.

Specific Objectives

During more a decade, the Aviesan ITMO Cancer has developped a sustained programming activity through annual campaigns of Calls for Proposals (CPs). Inspired by the Cancer Control Plans (i.e., since 2021, the French Ten-Year Cancer Control Strategy), these CPs were also in line with the specific objectives of the Mission on Cancer:

1st & 2nd Objectives - Improve the understanding of cancer &  Prevention including screening and early detection (prevent what is preventable):

Aviesan ITMO Cancer CPs :

  • Characterization of preneoplastic lesions and stratification of their evolving risks;
  • Cancer research innovative equipments;
  • Functional exploration of the microenvironment of cancers with poor prognosis;
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to oncogenic processes and therapeutic perspectives:
    • Contributions to oncology of physics, chemistry and engineering sciences;
    • Contributions of mathematics and informatics to oncology;
  • Medical doctors training in basic and translational cancer research.


Partnership with Anses (the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety) on the “Environmental and Occupational Health Research Programme”.

3rd objective - Optimise diagnoses and treatments:

Aviesan ITMO Cancer Funding of Integrated Cancer Research Sites in partnership with the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and the French General Directorate of Healthcare Provision.


 Citizen Engagement and Communication Strategy Objective

In the scope of the Task Force Pédiatrie (in French) gathering the INCa Research & Innovation Division, the Aviesan ITMO Cancer and three French associations of parents of children with cancer:

• The organisation of an International meeting on Fundamental Research in Paediatric Cancers on June 16th - 18th 2021;

• The providing of a bibliographic overview of French research in paediatric oncology (in French).

Bilan des publications françaises en oncopédiatrie 2015-2020

Corpus complet (3 218 publications)