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Institut thématique Cancer

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Research Unit
Head of research unit (Name / Surname) : Henry-Amar Michel
Research unit usual name : Centre de Traitement des Données du Cancéropôle Nord-Ouest
Reseach unit size (Number) : 10
Research team: all the below informations strictly concern the team level
Usual team name (255 signs max)
Centre de Traitement des Données du Cancéropôle Nord-Ouest (CTD CNO) North West Data Center
Team leader 1
First Name :
Last Name :
e-Mail 1 :
e-Mail 2 :
Team leader 2
First Name :
Last Name :
e-Mail 1 :
e-Mail 2 :
Address : CTD du Cancéropôle Nord-Ouest
Centre François Baclesse , 3 Avenue général Harris
City : CAEN
ZIP code : 14076
Tel. : +33(0)2 31 45 40 78
Fax. :

Research team (numbers)
Researchers : 2 Postdoc fellows : 0
Technicians / Support team : 7 PhD students : 1
Research organisms
Affiliation 1 : Other Centre François Baclesse
Affiliation 2 : Other Canceropôle Nord-Ouest
Affiliation 3 : LNCC
Other : INCa

Aviesan ITMO
First affiliation : Cancer
Second affiliation : Public health
Technology transfer (numbers during last 3 years)
Patents : 0
Industry partnerships :
Research grants :
List of the team's grants :
Indicate valorization structures you are working with
Plan Investissement Avenir
Stratégie Régionale de l'Innovation
A quel domaine d'activité stratégique de votre région appartenez-vous? (cf Stratégie Régionale de l'Innovation) Santé
Name the majors consortium the team is working with
1 :
2 :
3 :
International research relationships, name the countries. (separate with: ",")
Belgium, Netherlands

C.S.O. International research domain classification (You can use your own designation on the research and methodological keywords frames)
First domain :
- - -
Second domain :
- - -
Third domain :
- - -
Separate each organ with ","
Research keywords
clinical trials
clinical and biological databases
quality of life
healthcare consumption
Methodological keywords
data management
medical Writing
Research brief (1500 signs max, ~200 words)
Methodologist and biostatistician can provide advice and assistance in the design of studies, statistical planning, analysis and results publication. Chemist has experience in project management, coding adverse events using MedDRA and can help in regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance and AE qualification (unexpectedness, causality). Data managers have knowledge and experience in electronic CRF development (design and preparation), data base design (standard database such as CDISC), data management plan development, quality checks (queries), database quality control, traceability (audit trail), data security, freeze of database and export.The data entry clerk is dedicated to data entry and quality check assistance.
Methodologies used (bullet points, 750 signs max)
-Clinical cancer trials -Early phase clinical trials -Clinical trials Data Management -Clinical and biological databases -Epidemiology -Cancer mortality
Describe in one sentence what makes your team unique in the field (300 signs)
High level methodologies both in biostatistics and data management in clinical trials, epidemiological studies and clinical and biological databases, from the conception of the design to the publication.
Biological ressources (vitro/vivo models, biobank, cohorts, platforms, ...)
Excerpt of publications (6 maximum, during the last 8 years. 500 signs max)
1 : Van der Kaaij MAE, Heutte N, Meijnders P, Abeilard E, Spina M, Moser EC, Allgeier A, Meulemans B, Dubois B, Simons AHM, Lugtenburg PJ, Aleman BMP, Noordijk EM, Fermé C, Thomas J, Stamatoullas A, Fruchart C, Brice P, Eghbali H, Gaillard I, Doorduijn JK, Sebban C, Smit WGJM, Bologna S, Roesink JM, Ong F, André M, Raemaekers JMM, Henry-Amar M, Kluin-Nelemans HC. Parenthood in survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma: an EORTC-GELA general population case-control study. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(31):3854-3863.
2 : Van der Kaaij MAE, [?/?], Henry-Amar M, Kluin-Nelemans HC. Premature ovarian failure and fertility in long-term survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma: a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Lymphoma Group and Groupe d?Étude des Lymphomes de l?Adulte cohort study. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(3):291-299.
3 : Caravati-Jouvenceaux A, Launoy G, Klein D, Henry-Amar M, Abeilard E, Danzon A, Pozet A, Velten M, Mercier M. Health-related quality of life among long-term survivors of colorectal cancer: a population-based study. Oncologist 2011;16(11):1626-1636.
4 : Klein D, Mercier M, Abeilard E, Puyraveau M, Danzon A, Dalstein V, Pozet A, Guizard AV, Henry-Amar M, Velten M. Long-term quality of life after breast cancer: a French registry-based controlled study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011;129(1):125-134.
5 : Heutte N, [?/?], Henry-Amar M, for the EORTC-GELA H8 Trial. Quality of life after successful treatment of early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma: 10-year follow-up of the EORTC-GELA H8 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 2009;10:1160-1170.
6 : Fermé C, , [?/?], Henry-Amar M: EORTC-GELA H8 trial. Chemotherapy plus Involved-Field Radiation in Early-Stage Hodgkin?s Disease. N Engl J Med 2007;357:1916-1927.
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